Law school admissions essay
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Jewish Culture in Nursing
1. The Jewish culture has numerous ideas of no-no. Perhaps the greatest thing discovered was the significance of recollecting the past. Past is a significant viewpoint in the Jewish people group, even the breaking of a glass toward the finish of a wedding, represents the annihilation of a sanctuary during an intrusion from the Roman Army. (Giger and Davidhizar, 2008, p. 598) During labor, a spouse might be in the live with his better half yet may not take part other than training. He isn't permitted to view or see the vaginal zone or contact his wife.After the conveyance, he may hang over to his significant other, cautious not to contact, and state â€Å"Mazal tov†or good karma, congrats. (Giger and Davidhizar, 2008, p. 596) After conveyance it is essential to be cautious around the infant. Jewish individuals accept that is the areola is pulled to quick from the youngster, falling on the head, or neglecting to put a top on the leader of the baby are on the whole reasons for f allen fontanel. The manifestations of this incorporate crying, fever, retching, and loose bowels; yet current practice gives us that the reasons for these side effects are from dehydration.The stink eye, or mal ojo, is a dreaded disease that is caused from somebody appreciating a youngster and that individual has a baffled wish to hold the kid, however for an explanation obscure, the individual can't satisfy the desire. Hours after the fact the youngster has fever, regurgitating, the runs, loss of craving. Additionally, it proposes the child’s eyes will roll in the rear of the head, and will get slow. This is most likely the consequence of lack of hydration, however this is one seen reason for a constant sickness. (Andrews and Boyle, 2008, p. 132) 2.If an adherent of Judaism turns out to be sick, it is a typical pattern for the whole family to arrange and deal with the individual. At the point when the perishing procedure begins a medical attendant should realize that there i s a solid requirement for a confession booth. (Giger and Davidhizar, 2008, p. 606) If an individual of Jewish confidence dies, the body must not be moved by an individual of other gender. In the event that this happens the body will be viewed as tainted. All pieces of clothing and any close to home things that have come into contact with blood must be left with the body and not be touched.Blood is holy and must be covered alongside the body. The body is expelled to a hallowed sanctuary where the body is washed from head to toe in warm water, being mindful so as not to turn the face towards the ground. The body will be wearing white internment covers, tachrichim, and will be covered in a basic pine wood box. This is done so nobody can recognize riches. (Klug, 2013, p. 1) This is every one of the a section in a conventional custom of the Jewish confidence. 2B. This essayist doesn’t have faith in the previously mentioned taboos.Reading this data has started an enthusiasm for the social convictions held by Judaism. Current convictions are impacted by religion and essential mankind methods for the perishing and expired. Religion has affected demise as a going of one individual to paradise or damnation. Mankind methods that are followed are the purging of a body, the position in a coffin, appearance and entombment, and lamenting by loved ones. 2C. Impact by and by is dependent on the religions of the patients solicitation or family beliefs.As a hospice nurture, individual convictions don't influence work propensities. There are a wide range of patient rights that are noted and followed. Giger, J. N. , and Davidhizar, R. E. (2008). Transcultural nursing: Assessment and intercession (fifth ed. ). St. Louis, MO: Mosby. Andrews, M. M. , and Boyle, J. S. (2008). Transcultural ideas in nursing care (5thed. ). Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins. Klug, L. A. (2013). Jewish Life. Jewish Funeral Customs: Saying Goodbye to a Loved One. Recovered Feb. 5, 2013 , from http://www. jewishfederations. organization/memorial service customs. aspx? print=1
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Has the recent recession around the world hit the international Essay
Has the ongoing downturn around the globe hit the universal business and exchange gravely Especially the car business - Essay Example an arrangement guaranteeing to give a gigantic bundle to battle the effect of worldwide downturn on the vehicle business (EUbusiness Ltd 2010), it despite everything stays to be unpredictable marvels regarding why the downturn took such a substantial cost for exchange and trade around the world. Fundamentally, a lot of entropy anticipated the likely result of a broad descending flood in different crosscountry economies, in the end prompting disparity in the proportion of creation and utilization. These components lay concealed both in the useful just as the basic parts of the vehicle business. The supervisor of the Dog Lemon Guide Clive Matthew-Wilson takes note of that the global car segment can create around 90 million new units consistently, which is well over the assessed 60 million purchasers. Drawing on from this insights, he infers that in the aftermaths of worldwide downturn, the potential purchaser showcase was assembled freely by separate states †an arrangement which i sn't probably going to keep going forever. Thus, it is prominent that the reasonableness factor as far as possessing individual vehicles will keep on debilitating moreover as the world beginnings changing in accordance with the progressing droop (Dog and Lemon Guide 2010). In the light of this proof, this paper is going to fundamentally survey the effect of downturn on universal exchange and business, especially the car field. The investigation will join conversation of the applicable writing properly sponsored up by observational confirmations, trailed by nitty gritty examination of the strategies. In conclusion, a poll joined toward the finish of the record will mirror the examination discoveries and give help to directing meetings to encourage elaboration of the procedures. Before explaining moreover on the theory question, it merits examining into the period that hinted at the ongoing money related emergencies around the world. It might be noted, notwithstanding, that main part of the investigation in such manner will concentrate on the US exchange foundations and
Violation of the Law Free Essays
â€Å"Do you imagine that a great many people will overstep laws and disregard customary virtues in the event that they are certain that they would not be caught†, you may inquire? Obviously, normally, individuals will damage the laws on the off chance that they can promise themselves not to be gotten. Clarifying further, on the off chance that they are certain that there are no results to what they are going to do at that point obviously, they have the best propensity to overstep the law.  In situations where they have seen individuals who damaged yet didn't get captured, this specific episode will give them more trust in themselves that to overstep the law won't do them any awful outcome, and that they would not by any means get captured then even more that they will continue with their arrangement. We will compose a custom paper test on Infringement of the Law or on the other hand any comparable point just for you Request Now In brain science, the previously mentioned might be sensibly clarified by B.F. Skinner through his speculations known as Positive and Negative Reinforcements (Encarta, 2007). Clarifying further, he characterized Positive Reinforcement as something which spurs a specific activity just by a controlled prize (Encarta, 2007). For our situation the prize or what rouses the individual to do the demonstration, which is infringement or violating of the law, is the way that, the individual in question is sure that the individual would not be gotten (Encarta, 2007). It is an uplifting feedback the individual set without anyone else to spur him to complete such a demonstration (Encarta, 2007). For the reasons for examination, Negative Reinforcement is in fact characterized as boosting an activity through the expulsion of a â€Å"aversive stimulus†(Reinforcement, n.d.). Once more, let us investigate the case being referred to (Reinforcement, n.d.). Here, if the individual realizes that the person in question will be discovered disregarding the law, at that point unquestionably the individual in question will no longer complete such a demonstration (Reinforcement, n.d.). Realizing that the person would be gotten is the Negative Reinforcement set here to keep the demonstration from happening (Reinforcement, n.d.). To clarify further, permit me to give another model: A person who might need to challenge the legislature might be roused to do so particularly on the off chance that he realizes that he won’t get captured (Reinforcement, n.d.). Then again, an individual may not push through with the arrangement of restoring a wallet he took since he realizes this will be a purpose behind him to get captured and will most likely be rebuffed for it (Reinforcement, n.d.). References Encarta. (2007). B.F. Skinner. Recovered September 24, 2007 from Fortification. (n..d.). Recovered September 24, 2007 from  Step by step instructions to refer to Violation of the Law, Essay models
Friday, August 21, 2020
A Timeline and History of the Olmec Civilization
A Timeline and History of the Olmec Civilization Olmec: An Introduction The Olmec human progress is the name given to a complex focal American culture with its prime somewhere in the range of 1200 and 400 BC. The Olmec heartland lies in the Mexican conditions of Veracruz and Tabasco, at the tight piece of Mexico west of the Yucatan promontory and east of Oaxaca. Coming up next is an initial manual for the Olmec progress, its place in Central American ancient times, and some significant realities about the individuals and how they lived. Olmec Timeline Introductory Formative: 1775-1500 cal BCEarly Formative: 1450-1005 cal BCMiddle Formative: 1005-400 cal BCLate Formative: 400 cal BC While the soonest locales of the Olmec show generally straightforward populist social orders dependent on chasing and angling, the Olmecs in the long run built up a profoundly perplexing degree of political government, including open structure activities, for example, pyramids and huge stage hills; agribusiness; a composing framework; and a trademark sculptural imaginativeness incorporating gigantic stone heads with overwhelming highlights suggestive of irate infants. Olmec Capitals There are four primary areas or zones that have been related with Olmec by the utilization of iconography, engineering and settlement plan, including San Lorenzo de Tenochtitlan, La Venta, Tres Zapotes, and Laguna de los Cerros. Inside every one of these zones, there were three or four distinct degrees of villas of various sizes. At the focal point of the zone was a genuinely thick focus with courts andâ pyramidsâ and royal living arrangements. Outside of the middle were a to some degree sparser assortment of villages and farmsteads, each at any rate monetarily and socially attached to the inside. Olmec Kings and Rituals In spite of the fact that we dont know any of the Olmec lord names, we do realize that the ceremonies related with ruler remembered an accentuation for the sun and reference to sun oriented equinoxes were incorporated with stage and court arrangements. Sun glyph iconography is seen on numerous areas and there is a certain significance ofâ sunflowerâ in dietary and ceremonial settings. The ballgame assumed a significant job in Olmec culture, as it does in numerous focal American social orders, and, similar to those different social orders, it might have included human penance. The huge heads are frequently etched with headgear, thought to speak to competitor wear; creature models exist of pumas dressed as athletes. It is conceivable that ladies additionally played in the games, as there are puppets from La Ventaâ which are females wearing head protectors. Olmec Landscape The Olmec ranches and villages and focuses were arranged on and close to a different arrangement of landforms, including floodplain swamps, waterfront fields, level uplands, and volcanic good countries. Be that as it may, the enormous Olmec capitals depended on high places in theâ floodplainsâ of large streams, for example, Coatzacoalcos and Tabasco. The Olmec adapted to repeating floods by building their habitations and capacity structures on misleadingly raised earth stages, or by revamping on old locales, making tell arrangements. A significant number of the soonest Olmec destinations are likely covered profound inside the floodplains. The Olmec were plainly inspired by shading and shading plans of the earth. For instance, the square at La Ventaâ has a striking appearance of earthy colored soil installed with little bits of broke greenstone. Furthermore, there are a few blue-green serpentine mosaic asphalts tiled with muds and sands in a rainbow of various hues. A typical conciliatory item was a jadeite offering secured with redâ cinnabar. Olmec Diet and Subsistence By 5000 BC, the Olmec depended onâ domestic maize,â sunflower, and manioc, later domesticatingâ beans. They likewise accumulated corozo palm nuts, squash, andâ chili. There is some likelihood that the Olmec were the first to useâ chocolate. The principle wellspring of creature protein was domesticatedâ dogâ but that was enhanced with white-followed deer, transitory fowls, fish, turtles, and waterfront shellfish. White followed deer, specifically, was explicitly connected with custom devouring. Holy places: Caves (Juxtlahuaca and Oxtotitln), springs, and mountains. Destinations: El Manati, Takalik Abaj, Pijijiapan. Human Sacrifice: Children and newborn children at El Manati; human stays under landmarks at San Lorenzo; La Ventaâ has a special raised area indicating a hawk clad lord holding a hostage. Phlebotomy, custom cutting of some portion of the body to permit seeping for penance, was most likely likewise polished. Enormous Heads: Appear to be pictures of male (and conceivably female) Olmec rulers. Here and there wear protective caps showing that they are ballplayers, puppets, and figure from La Ventaâ show that ladies wore cap headgear, and a portion of the heads may speak to ladies. A help at the Pijijiapan also as La Venta Stela 5 and La Venta Offering 4 show ladies remaining close to men rulers, maybe as accomplices. Olmec Trade, Exchange, and Communications Exchange: Exotic materials were gotten or exchanged from far spots toâ the Olmecâ zones, including actually huge amounts of volcanic basalt to San Lorenzoâ from the Tuxtla mountains, 60 km away, which was cut into imperial figures andâ manosâ and metates, normal basalt segments from Roca Partida. Greenstone (jadeite, serpentine, schist, gneiss, green quartz), assumed a plainly significant job in world class settings at Olmec locales. A few hotspots for these materials are the bay waterfront district in Motagua Valley, Guatemala, 1000 km away from the Olmec heartland. These materials were cut into dabs and creature likenesses. Obsidianâ was acquired from Puebla, 300 km from San Lorenzo. And furthermore, Pachuca green obsidian from focal Mexico Writing: The most punctual Olmec composing started with glyphs speaking to calendrical occasions, and in the end advanced into logographs, line drawings for single thoughts. The soonest proto-glyph so far is an Early Formative greenstone cutting of an impression from El Manati. A similar sign appears on a Middle Formative landmark 13 at La Ventaâ next to a striding figure. The Cascajal blockâ shows numerous early glyph structures. The Olmec planned a print machine of sorts, a roller stamp or chamber seal, which could be inked and moved onto human skin, paper, or material. Calendar:â 260 days, 13 numbers and 20 named days. Olmec Sites La Venta, Tres Zapotes, San Lorenzo Tenochtitlan, Tenango del Valle, San Lorenzo, Laguna de los Cerros, Puerto Escondido, San Andres, Tlatilco, El Manati, Juxtlahuaca Cave, Oxtotitln Cave, Takalik Abaj, Pijijiapan, Tenochtitlan, Potrero Nuevo, Loma del Zapote, El Remolinoâ and Paso los Ortices, El Manatã , Teopantecuanitln, Rã o Pesquero, Takalik Abaj Olmec Civilization Issues The Olmec Civilization is at the focal point of theâ mother-sister discussion, which is a discussion concerning the overall quality of the Olmec society contrasted with other early Mesoamerican cultures.The Cascajal Block, a huge square found in a quarry that might be among the most punctual set up accounts in focal America, andThe search forâ bitumenâ sources, which was a significant asset to numerous archeological social orders in focal America. Olmec phlebotomy spoonsâ have another clarification these daysWas chocolate first utilized and tamed by the Olmec? Sources Blomster JP, Neff H, and Glascock, MD. 2005 Olmec Pottery Production and Export in Ancient Mexico Determined Through Elemental Analysis. Science 307:1068-1072.Diehl RA. 2005 Patterns of Cultural Primacy. Science 307:1055-1056.Flannery KV, Balkansky AK, Feinman GM, Grove DC, Marcus J, Redmond EM, Reynolds RG, Sharer RJ, Spencer CS, and Yaeger J. 2005. Ramifications of new petrographic investigation for the Olmec ‘‘mother culture’’ model. Procedures of the National Academy of Sciences 102(32):11219-11223.Follensbee BJA. 2008. Fiber innovation and weaving in developmental period Gulf Coast societies. Old Mesoamerica 19:87â€110.Henderson JS, Joyce RA, Hall GR, Hurst WJ, and McGovern PE. 2007. Synthetic and archeological proof for the most punctual cacao drinks. Procedures of the National Academy of Sciences 104(48):18937-18940. Joyce RA, and Henderson JS. 2007. From devouring to food: Implications of archeological research in an early Honduran town. American Anthropologist 109(4):642â€653. Joyce RA, and Henderson JS. 2010. Being Olmec in Early Formative Period Honduras. Old Mesoamerica 21(1):187-200.Kaufman T, and Justeson J. 2007. Composing the historical backdrop of the word for cacao in antiquated Mesoamerica. Old Mesoamerica 18:193-237.Pohl MD, and von Nagy C. 2008. The Olmec and their peers. In: Pearsall DM, editorial manager. Reference book of Archeology. London: Elsevier Inc. p 217-230.Rodrà guez Martã nez MdC, Ortã z Ceballos P, Coe MD, Diehl RA, Houston SD, Taube KA, and Alfredo DC. 2006. Most seasoned Writing in the New World. Science 313:1610-1614. Sharer RJ, Balkansky AK, Burton JH, Feinman GM, Flannery KV, Grove DC, Marcus J, Moyle RG, Price TD, Redmond EM et al. 2006. On The Logic Of Archeological Inference: Early Formative Pottery And The Evolution Of Mesoamerican Societies. Latin American Antiquity 17(1):90-103.Wendt CJ, and Ciphers A. 2008. How the Olmec utilized bitumen in antiquated Mesoamerica. Diary of Anthropological Archeology 27(2):175-1 91.Wendt CJ, and Lu S-T. 2006. Sourcing archeological bitumen in the Olmec district. Diary of Archeological Science 33(1):89-97.
Monday, July 27, 2020
Essay Sample on the Role of Women in Management
Essay Sample on the Role of Women in Management The Role of Women in Management Sep 13, 2019 in Management Introduction Over the last few years, women have invented considerable inroads into management jobs. However, most of the women are in the middle or lower management level, whereas few are in top management level. This vertical gender gap happens even among those women with elite education credentials. Based on a research study done by the U.S.A Census Bureau in the year 2010, women were less involved in management level because females acquire less education credentials than men do. Secondly, women accumulate less of the required experience. Thirdly, the cultural schema contributes largely to the difference of the roles women should have in the management level. The Current Position of Women in Management The research also showed that the American women have entered the management in an increasing number. The results exhibited that 13 percent of managers in the private sectors were women in the year 1945 as compared to 45 in the year 2010. Therefore, in the future the number of women managers in industries will increase. Again, women representation in management equaled women share of the civilian labor force, which was 46 percent. In current years, the percentage of female managers in the private sector reduced, dropping to 41 percent in 2010, although womens share of the civilian labor force increased to 47 percent. This long-term trend toward gender equality in management, displeasure as it is by the latest countertrend, is not seen at all lines of management. However, women remain disproportionately separated in lower levels of management. Again, they are scarcely represented at the top. Order now Live Chat Over the past 40 years, U.S women education achievements have outpaced those of men. According to National Center for Education Statistics, women earned 43 percent of bachelors degrees 1970-1971 whereas between the year 2008-2009 women earned more bachelors degrees. In the year 2010, women made up just 50 percent of the civilian workforce with college degrees. The research also showed that most U.S women have ventured in business. In spite of the fact that women have largely ventured in business, they do not have the required managerial skills as compared to men (Bertrand, 2010). The reason is that they are not in the fields that require mathematics, engineering, technology and the field of science. Therefore, this utmost obstacle is contributing to gender-segregation in management. Women underrepresentation in these fields has kept them out of pipeline to upper management. This is evident by the decreasing number of women who are doing STEM courses. Based on the evidence on National Science Foundation, i.e. in the year 2009, women constituted to 20 percent of the U.S STEM workforce. Moreover, education stratification in the U.S has contributed to gender segregation in management, i.e. women access to business education is stratified by institutional prestige. The research showed that only 31 percent of the MBA students in the top U.S business school are female compared to 45 percent across all MBA programs. The difference in terms of work experience has played a crucial role in gender-segregation where women managers have less authority as compared to men. According to a research study conducted by U.S Census Bureau, i.e. in the year 2011, women contributed to 34 percent of the U.S workforce as compared to 64 percent of men. Today, U.S women with children are working in the industries and companies for long hours. Again, the number of women has increased in the past few decades (Nguyen, 2008). Notwithstanding these trends towards gender equality, women tend to accumulate less of the work experience that is needed to get into management as compared to men. The reason is that people believe that women are going to cause a lot of interruption in their careers such as raising children. Therefore, these interruptions reduce the capability of a woman gaining more experience than men do. Next, cultural factor may also be one of the main factors contributing to disparities of jobs preference and work experience between men and women. Examples of the cultural schemas are that men are better than women in science and math. Secondly, women belong to home whereas men belong at work. Finally, the cultural schema shows that men are managers who have natural leadership qualities than women do (Spencer, 2009). These qualities have increasingly led to upper management jobs. Notwithstanding the truth that most people in the U.S have acknowledged the role of married women in management, still, some continue to believe that married women with children belong at home and not to work (Bianchi, 2011). A recent survey conducted by the U.S National Center for Education Statistics found out that mediums of 56 hours per week for male managers and 52 hour per week for female managers. Therefore, these suggest that female managers experience strong work and family conflict. .chat-now-banner { background: #ec5c63; position: relative; overflow: hidden; text-align: center; } .chat-now-banner::before { display: block; content: ''; position: absolute; left: -170px; right: 50%; top: 0; bottom: 0; background: #04b5af; transform: skewX(45deg); } .chat-now-banner table { position: relative; color: #ffffff; font-size: 16px; } .chat-now-banner .btn.btn-primary { background: #ffffff; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 36px; color: #ec5c63; box-shadow: none; border-radius: 6px 0 6px 0; padding-left: .75rem; padding-right: .75rem; } .chat-now-banner-problem, .chat-now-banner-solution span { position: relative; } .chat-now-banner-problem { padding-left: 50px; } .chat-now-banner-solution { padding-right: 50px; } .chat-now-banner-problem::before { content: url('/images/banners/chat-img1r.png'); display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; position: absolute; left: 20px; top: 50%; transform: translateY(-50%); } .chat-now-banner-solution span::after { content: url('/images/banners/chat-img2.png'); display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; position: absolute; left: 110% } .chat-now-banner-solution span { white-space: nowrap; } .chat-now-banner td { text-align: center; } @media all and (min-width: 1600px) { .chat-now-banner-solution div { display: inline; } .chat-now-banner .btn.btn-primary { margin-left: 15px; } } @media all and (max-width: 1599px) { .chat-now-banner-problem, .chat-now-banner-solution span { line-height: 1; } .chat-now-banner-problem { line-height: 35px; } .chat-now-banner-solution { line-height: 35px; } .chat-now-banner td { vertical-align: top; padding: 20px 5px 10px; } } @media all and (min-width: 1250px) and (max-width: 1599px) { .chat-now-banner-problem span { display: block; } } @media all and (max-width: 1249px) and (min-width: 993px) { .chat-now-banner .btn.btn-primary { margin-left: 0; } .chat-now-banner { height: auto; max-width: 480px; margin: 0 auto; background: linear-gradient(to right top, #ec5c63 0%, #ec5c63 50%, #04b5af 50%, #04b5af 100%) } .chat-now-banner::before { display: none; } .chat-now-banner-problem { padding-right: 15px; } .chat-now-banner-problem::before { left: -1px; top: 87%; transform: translateY(-50%); } .chat-now-banner-problem span { display: block; position: absolute; right: 15px; } .chat-now-banner td { display: block; } .chat-now-banner td:nth-child(2) { display: none; } .chat-now-banner td:last-child { padding-top: 13px; padding-bottom: 17px; } .chat-now-banner td:first-child { text-align: right; } .chat-now-banner-problem { display: inline-block; padding-right: 15px; } .chat-now-banner-solution { width: 50%; } .chat-now-banner-problem { padding-right: 15px; } .chat-now-banner-solution { padding: 0; } } @media all and (max-width: 992px) { .chat-now-banner-problem span { display: block; } } @media all and (max-width: 699px) { .chat-now-banner .btn.btn-primary { margin-left: 0; } .chat-now-banner { height: auto; max-width: 480px; margin: 0 auto; background: linear-gradient(to right top, #ec5c63 0%, #ec5c63 50%, #04b5af 50%, #04b5af 100%) } .chat-now-banner::before { display: none; } .chat-now-banner-problem { padding-right: 15px; } .chat-now-banner-problem::before { left: -1px; top: 87%; transform: translateY(-50%); } .chat-now-banner-problem span { display: block; position: absolute; right: 15px; } .chat-now-banner td { display: block; } .chat-now-banner td:nth-child(2) { display: none; } .chat-now-banner td:last-child { padding-top: 13px; padding-bottom: 17px; } .chat-now-banner td:first-child { text-align: right; } .chat-now-banner-problem { display: inline-block; padding-right: 15px; } .chat-now-banner-solution { width: 50%; } .chat-now-banner-problem { padding-right: 15px; } .chat-now-banner-solution { padding: 0; } } @media all and (max-width: 519px) { .chat-now-banner-solution { width: 100%; } .chat-now-banner-problem { display: block; text-align: center; padding: 0; } .chat-now-banner-problem span { display: inline; position: static; } } @media all and (max-width: 459px) { .chat-now-banner::before { transform: skewX(55.1deg); left: 160px; } .chat-now-banner-problem::before { top: 50%; } .chat-now-banner-problem span { display: block; } } Need reliable and quick help with your paper? Connect us right now? Chat Now In the middle classes, from where most managers are drawn, there is an increasing cultural pressure on mothers to attend to their children by themselves. These mothers are forced to switch from managing bureaucracies to managing their children. Women in management normally get a lot of resistance from men who are her subordinates. Therefore, women experience a lot challenges in making sure that the business operations are running in the correct way. On the contrary, cultural practices have changed, and everyone in the U.S is expected to perform any job without questioning. The cultures of many industries in the U.S are discouraging the role of women in managerial positions. For example, financial industries are working in the 24-hour system. Therefore, they normally look for someone who can stay in management for a long period, unlike women who have to go home before time so that they can take care of their children. Although some women have the required education credentials, the cu lture of the company may disqualify them (Laura, 2008). Most of the U.S financial industries believe that women are slow in making a strategic decisions and implementing them. This is one of the reasons why women have fewer managerial position in industries. A study of female executives in finance showed that after women have children, their choices of career trajectories to pursue senior management position or stay at home and work part time are influenced by conflicting cultural schemas. Women have outnumbered men in emotional intelligence management. This statement shows that women should be given top rank managers because senior management jobs have a large symbolic component. Based on the U.S.A Bureau of Labor Statistics, women now account to a third of all managers. This research shows that women have remarkable implications for a firms competitiveness because of the potential benefit of gender diversity. The research also shows that women bring information and social diversity benefits to the top management. Female representation in the top management improves managerial task performance throughout the firm. It is evident from strategic management journal that women representation in the top management has a positive impact. Examples of such effects include bringing innovations to the firm thus improving its performance. A recent comprehensive survey showed the existing empirical work on the relationship between female representations at the top of the corporate hierarchy and firm performance. According to this journal, when women join a top management team, the team becomes more diverse. The team becomes diverse in terms of information and social categ orization. This positive factor facilitates the employment of women in management level because they encourage participation by soliciting input from others, share information and empower by keeping open communication channels with their subordinates Some people find women to be less hierarchical than men. Other people find women to be more collaborative and cooperative than men. Meta-analytic investigation shows that women are more democratic and participatory in the organization setting. Such managerial behaviors promote the sharing of task relevant information. Female workers have combined and established an organization that will cater for problems of women in management. For example, Women in Management are organizations that help to motivate ladies to enroll in education so that they can be capable of contributing to every sector of the globe (Burke, 2009). The organization encourages young women to enroll in colleges regardless of the cultural practices that are in place. Today, women in the universe are joining school. In the U.S.A, a large number of women have done business related masters degrees. Moreover, they have enrolled in engineering and financial courses that require a lot of mathematics (Penner, 2008). On the c ontrary, the number of female managers is constantly growing such that more women are lined up to take the restraint of 500 destined firms than ever before. IBM tapped Virginia Rometty to succeed Sam Palmisano, which will make her the first female C.E.O in the company. Many firms had male managers for decades, thus a masculine management pattern often the default style. Managers at this organization tend to encourage workers who pursue a sanction behavior, which is normally aggressive, direct, and unattached. Therefore, a woman, who does not practice that management style, could be stalled during her corporate climb. Recommendation and Conclusion A person would recommend that women should strive to achieve the required managerial skills so that they can be employed in monumental institution. Another recommendation is that women involved in management should entail all the required education, so that educational credentials cannot kick her out of the job. They should also contain the attribute required in all the management levels such as top management, middle management, and operational management, so that she can see the success of the firms operations. They should learn how to communicate with the firm stakeholders, i.e. should have adequate interpersonal skills among others. Another suggestion is that everyone should support women in the field of management. Again, more organizations activating for the equal rights in management should be established so that problems will be solved appropriately. Finally, the government should support the campaign against women elimination in the field of management (Schein, 2011). Once t hese recommendations are met, a large number of women will be involved in running organizations in the near future. In conclusion, the number of women in management is increasing rapidly in that they are managing successful firms, especially in the U.S.A. This paper shows and stipulates various challenges that women are facing in the field of management, their benefits in the field, and some recommendations among others.
Sunday, June 28, 2020
Arranged marriages in the countries - Free Essay Example
In Jane Myers article on marital satisfaction, she states a preliminary comparison between arranged marriages in India and marriages of choice in the United States in terms of satisfaction and wellness. â€Å"Marriage is an important institution in almost all societies in the world. In the United States, for example, over 90% of persons choose to marry at some point in their lives. The results of numerous studies suggest that people tend to be both healthier and happier when they are married†(Myers 183). The most frequently studied aspect of relationships and marriage is that of satisfaction and happiness. How couples maintain happiness is is a very important aspect of a relationship. Frequently studied aspects in arranged marriages is the process couples undergo to develop intimacy with their companion and how the love between the two partners develop. Most people would object to being in an arranged marriage because they dont experience the matter of time needed to develop such emotions and feelings towards their chosen companion. Research from 33 countries on the effects of culture on mate preferences were conducted to around 9,494 adults. The research states â€Å" They found that men and women around the world agree that love and mutual attraction are the most important factors in mate selection. Additional factors that received near-universal supp ort were dependability, emotional stability, kindness, and understanding†(Myers 183). Therefore the factors of love, intimacy, happiness, and satisfaction arent as different in an arranged marriage as one would think. In Western societies, romantic love is likely to be the primary basis for mate selection. In Eastern societies, mate selection is accomplished by the family rather than the individuals who are getting married. Noted in the article, in the countries such as China and India, the parents of the future couple take a great deal of time and put into consideration multiple factors of characteristics, qualities, and traits when choosing their childs future spouse. The criteria used in this mate selection stated by Udry include subsistence skills, family alliances, economic arrangements between families, and health. They make sure the person they choose is most suitable for their offspring. Men place a high value on â€Å"womens chastity, their desire for home and children, and their abilities as cook and homemaker†(Myers 183). In the same societies â€Å"women value men with ambition, with good financial prospects, and men who hold favorable social status†(Myers 183) The criteria used to determine the selection vary among different countries due to a system and policies of mate selection in a particular country. In one of the studies of marital satisfaction in arranged marriages an d in marriages of choice, hundreds of married couples from Israel were surveyed to establish differences between the two types of marriages. During this study, â€Å"they found that the duration of cohabitation, and patterns of spouse selection were only minimally related to marriage satisfaction†(Myers 183). In another study, satisfaction and communication from Indian couples in arranged marriages and in marriages of choice, and American couples in companionate marriages were studied. â€Å"They found that persons in arranged marriages had higher marital satisfaction scores, as measured by the Dyadic Adjustment Scale, than either the love-married persons in India or the companionate-married persons in the United States†(Myers 184). Their results indicate that couples in arranged marriages were more satisfied with their relationships than people in Western societies. The research on satisfaction and wellness in arranged marriages and marriages of choice remain equal. In an article written by Shaifali Sandhya, a study on the Social Context of marital Happiness in Urban Indian Couples is studied. The research emphasizes how personal desires do not impact the happiness of non-Western couples. However, intimacy and conflict play a critical role in the longevity of marriage even for those in non-Western societies. In the study, 91 indian couples were studied. The results noted that â€Å"happy couples, compared with unhappy couples, reported agreement, empathy, validation, support, and fulfilled expectations†(Sandhya 74). This suggests that personal desires alter cultural practices. According to the article, even though all cultures place a premium on happiness, maintaining well being is different among cultures. â€Å"In line with the culture-specific notion of happiness, such theories would predict that while personal goals such as intimacy and relational attributes such as conflict influence happiness in American couples, the processes of intimacy and conflict will not impact the happiness of non-Western couples†(Sandhya 74). While in the midst of globalization, men and women inherit western trends. Values such as intimacy fancy an importance in their relationship. Argyle defines marital happiness as â€Å"an individual’s affective feeling about the marriage as a whole, that is strongly associated with psychological well-being, positive moral, and depression†(Sandyha 75). The individuals that reported happiness , also reported better immune functioning. They also have a more satisfying sexual relationship than unmarried sex. Most people would think that married sexual relationships would be better, and should be better than unmarried sexual relationships. Having a satisfying sexual relationship with your partner also decreases the probability of future divorce. Besides the fact of being in a healthy and stable relationship, it also increases the domain of friendship among the two. The study sho ws that healthy sexual relationships increase income, work performance, and social support. On the reverse side of things, and unhappy relationship can be destructive. A destructive relationship will create less constructive strategies for resolving conflicts. This can lead to a negative effect on immunity, more regrets in marriage, and can even have an effect on behaviors of children. There are three manifestations of intimacy. These manifestations include: behavioral intimacy, semantic intimacy, and physical intimacy. Research suggests that behavioral intimacy does not exist among Indians. Intimacy in the United States is essential to any relationship, but in India, studies suggest that intimacy as a personal goal is not critical to the marital happiness. In the study, romantic love was not considered critical to the success of marriage and the longevity of marriage. An article written by Keera Allendorf notes that while arranged marriage were common in the past, in recent decades arranged marriages have become less common and love marriages are now dominant. Though both marriages are different, they are perceived positively. Allendorf explains that a hybrid of the two marriages would be the ideal marriage. The rise in love marriages is being triggered due to a copious amount of reasons. Technological expansion, educational expansion, and foreign influence are some of the main reasons. Many people would agree that the rise in love marriages is due to the change in socioeconomic change. These schemas are heavily shaped by global influences and indicate complex integration of both factors for marital change. Family behaviors have undergone many changes in recent years which has lead to a rising elopement of marriage. Lately, young people have taken it upon themselves to choose who they want to be their future spouse. â€Å"For example, in rural In donesia the percentage of women who had marriages arranged by their parents declined from 67% among women born in 1935–1943 to 39% among women born in 1953 – 1965†(Allendorf 453). In Chitwan Valley, Nepal, those married from 1936 1945 did not participate in the selection of their spouse, but those married from 1986 1995 participated in choosing their own spouse. In the recent study, Understanding how and why changes take place is an important part of this research. The consequences of these changes are also put into consideration during this study. Ideational elements in family change, also known as schemas, shape the behaviors of these marriage selections and clarify the meaning behind it. Johnson-Hanks define schemas as â€Å"the largely underdetermined, and often taken-for-granted, ways of perceiving and acting through which we make sense of the world and motivate our actions†(Allendorf 453). Schemas Include such things as categorizations, social scr ipts, and such things related to mental representation. In order to understand family change you must understand the concept of schemas and how they shape behavior. In India, marriage practices are decided by the specific region you live in, the religion you believe in, and your ethnicity. As most people know, arranged marriages are customary for the country of India. The caste system is supported in India to ensure that spouses are of the same Caste as their partner. Although this study has stated that fewer individuals are participating in arranged marriages, they are still widely practiced in India. Statistics show that, â€Å"Of the ever?married women aged 25–49 that were interviewed in the Indian Human Development Survey in 2005, less than 5% had the primary role in choosing their husband and only 22% knew their husband for more than one month before they married†(Allendorf 454). Young people are beginning to dislike the idea of not knowing their spouse until the day they are married, so the participation in spouse selection is increasing. Younger cohorts of marriage are more likely to have been consulted by their parents as to who they have chose. Furthermore, elopements do also take place. There is a strong disapproval by the families and sometime s there is even violent reactions, but not all the time. Some communities disapprove, but they dont show disbelief and violence towards the individuals. There has been many theory as to why the change in marital selection is changing. Theories suggest that this is due to family traditions of modernization. â€Å"Industrialization, urbanization, and educational expansion were believed to create pressures for self?choice marriages based on affection, which were seen as well?suited for urban living and industrial occupations†(Allendorf 454). Studied note that some Indian followed these traditions. Young people that live in urban areas and took occupation outside of agriculture were economically independent and able to choose their spouse without their parents say.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Summary Of The Negro Artist And The Radical Mountain By...
Langston Hughes has made many accomplishments that most people couldn’t make. It was a great challenge for colored people to express their feelings without going through a lot of trouble. Hughes was successful in expressing he feelings. Considering the fact that he was half Caucasian and half African American, he wasn’t treated the way he was supposed to. So he wanted to do something about it and change the course of history. On June 23, 1926, Hughes published a stunning essay called â€Å"The Negro Artist and the Radical Mountain.†This essay captured the philosophy behind art and radical problems faced by black artists. In essence, he talks about how a young Negro poet did not want to be recognized as a â€Å"Negro poet.†Instead, he wanted to†¦show more content†¦We younger Negro artists who create now intend to express our individual dark-skinned selves without fear or shame. If white people are pleased we are glad. If they are not, it doesnt matter. We know we are beautiful. And ugly too. The tom-tom cries and the tom-tom laughs. If colored people are pleased we are glad. If they are not, their displeasure doesnt matter either. We build our temples for tomorrow, strong as we know how, and we stand on top of the mountain, free within ourselves.†Hughes clarifies how colored people should pay more attention to their own beauty. Hughes sums up the life and thoughts of young negroes’ like the young poet he described at the beginning of his essay. Another great work of art by Langston Hughes was a poem called â€Å"Harlem Sweeties.†He uses the term â€Å"sugar hill†and different shades of food to illustrate the personality and beauty of the melanated people of Harlem. Some of these examples include descriptions such as coffee and cream, chocolate, walnut tinted, coco brown, and many more. In another poem called â€Å"My People,†Langston illustrates how wonderful his people are. He express es the beauty of his people by talking about the beautiful night. Not only does Hughes describe the people of Harlem in his poem, he also demonstrates the struggles in his life that he had to deal with. Hughes has a white
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